The variety of roll coverings for different industries necessitates covers suitable to the production methods and materials processed by those industries. Changes in technology has resulted in an ever increasing demand for high quality roll covers hence the revision and development of polymers to meet these demands. With international partnership, we at Ombi have kept abreast with these changes in technology guaranteeing our clients with rollers and auxiliary products that will meet or exceed their demands. Ombi Rubber Rollers began operations in june 2000 with a client base of about 10 clients,mainly in offset printing industry. With a service focused out-look, we now serve over 400 clients in diverse industries not only in Kenya in Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan and Ethiopia as well. With technical assistance partnership with H&M Rollers of South Africa, Ombi is on the forefront in delivering quality rollers and print consumables to discerning industries in the region. Our services are fast and our covers come with a warranty aganist manufacturing defects. As a commitment to our clients we are ISO 9001 2000 Certified, making us the first regional organization in our line of business to attain this status. Let our rollers work for you as ours are indeed “…the better roll covers”…
Our Services
Roll Covers & Auxilliary Products for Industrial Applications
The variety of roll covers for different industries necessitates covers suitable to the production methods and materials processed by those industries. Though overlooked, the cover designs directly impact on the quality of the processed material. Changes in technology have resulted in an ever increasing demand for high quality roll covers hence the revision and development of polymers to meet these demands. With international partnerships, we at Ombi have kept abreast with these changes in technology guaranteeing our clients world class roll covers that will meet and exceed their demanding applications. Let our rollers work for you as ours are indeed ‘….the better roll covers’.